A Humane Life For Hens
Day-old chicks are acquired only from Singapore Food Agency-approved breeder farms.
Chicks are raised in rearing houses, in compliance with Certified Humane cage-free standards, till egg-laying age – around 16 weeks.
In laying houses, hens live and produce eggs according to Certified Humane cage-free standards.
Once past egg-laying age – around 85 weeks, hens are brought to Singapore Food Agency-accredited facilities to be processed for food humanely and safely.
Our hens enjoy free access throughout the day to nutritious plant-based feed appropriate to their age, including coarse calcium to aid with bone strength and shell quality.
The feed is free from antibiotics and hormones. There are also many water points to allow them to stay hydrated.
As the hens are happy and healthy, they produce only great eggs that you can fully enjoy ethically.